GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

Data Protection Policy
Thank you for your interest in our website (the "Site"). We respect your privacy and will always collect, process, and use your personal data in compliance with all applicable legal obligations. The data we collect when you use the Site and how we use it are explained in this Data Protection Policy.

1. Data Controller

ART OF KELV, 2 Place de l'Eglise, 45800 SAINT JEAN DE BRAYE is responsible for processing your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 (the "GDPR") and the "Informatique et Libertés" Law (Law No 78-17 dated January 6, 1978, as amended) (hereinafter "ART OF KELV", "we", "our", etc.).

The representative of ART OF KELV within the European Union is ART OF KELV, which can be contacted at the following address: ART OF KELV, At Mr. Dimitri LOINTHIER, 2 Place de l'Eglise, 45800 SAINT JEAN DE BRAYE or by email at the following address:

2. Personal Data

"Personal data" refers to data related to personal or material aspects of your existence that can allow you to be directly or indirectly identified. This includes, among other things, your name, address, date of birth, email address, and phone number. It does not include general information that does not allow you to be identified, such as the number of users of the Site.

3. How do we collect, process, and use your personal data?

We collect the personal data that you have transmitted to us, for example, when you create a user account on the Site, by filling out a form or by sending us an email. When we collect your personal data, we specify whether the answers to the questions are mandatory or optional and inform you of the possible consequences, for you, of not responding.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • We process your personal data in order to operate and manage the Site, for example, when you provide us with a username and an email address to register and use the ART OF KELV services. The processing of this data about you is necessary for the execution of our contract with you, as described in our General Conditions of Sale. You can also choose to transmit additional personal data to us, namely your full name, your age, and your place of residence.
  • If you purchase products on ART OF KELV, you will need to provide us with additional personal data (billing and payment data, tax status, delivery address, etc.), and we will process them to the extent that this is necessary for the execution of our contract with you, as described in our General Conditions of Sale.
  • We may use the personal data about you for fraud prevention purposes, if this is in our legitimate interest to prevent any fraud on the Site.
  • If you have chosen to receive promotional messages, we will regularly send them to you by email. You can decide, at any time, to no longer receive these communications, by following the instructions present in each email or by contacting ART OF KELV customer service by phone, mail, or email. If you have consented, we will also use your email address to send you useful information, from time to time, regarding the use of ART OF KELV services. You can object to the use of your personal data for these purposes at any time by contacting us.
  • If you need assistance in using the ART OF KELV services, our support team may ask you to confirm some of your personal data such as your name, your delivery address, or other important information that may allow your identification. We will then process the data about you to the extent that this is necessary for the execution of our contract with you, as described in our General Conditions of Sale.
  • If you have consented to the use of cookies, we will use your personal data for audience measurement purposes.
  • We will also use personal data about you for the management of our budget, our activity, and our finances, based on our legitimate interests.
  • Finally, we may use the personal data about you in the context of managing a dispute or litigation related to your use of the Site, to the extent that this is justified by our legitimate interest.

4. How do we share and transfer your personal data?

We share personal data about you with third parties only if the execution of a contract requires it, if this is allowed by law, or if this has been agreed with you. Thus, we may communicate your contact information to third-party providers who provide logistics, delivery, or payment services. However, in no case are they transmitted to them for prospecting purposes.

When these service providers are located outside the EU, we put in place appropriate safeguards, which consist of applying the Standard Contractual Clauses (controller to processor) adopted by the European Commission, or ensuring that the provider complies with the Privacy Shield [in case of data transfer to the United States], in order to guarantee adequate protection of your personal data. To obtain a copy of the documents relating to these guarantees, please contact us by email at

We will share personal data about you with third-party service providers for the purposes of executing orders and delivering products (namely suppliers, payment providers, and delivery companies).

We may also share personal data about you with the following providers, in the context of the provision of their services:

  • Service provider of audience analysis and commercial statistics
  • Email sending service provider
  • Customer support request management service provider
  • Third-party IT service provider

Finally, we use third-party cookies (see articles ‎6 and 7 below for more information).

5. Data Retention Period
We will retain the personal data about you for the duration necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

  • Data related to your account
    Until we close your account at your request to our customer service. However, data necessary to justify a right or a contract will be archived for an additional period of ten years.
  • Cookies
    30 days maximum
  • Email address (for prospecting purposes)
    Three years from the closure of your user account or three years from your last communication with us.

6. IP Addresses and Cookies

When you visit our Site, your IP address and other information such as the date and time of your visit and the sites you have visited may be retained, for technical reasons, on our server. These informations will be analyzed for statistical and market research purposes, after anonymization or pseudonymization, but only if you have consented to it.

If this is the case, we will use cookies on our Site in order to better understand how our visitors use our services and to offer them maximum usability. The information stored in cookies will only be analyzed after anonymization or pseudonymization. Cookies are small text files that our server sends to your computer for the purpose of identifying it, for the duration of your visit.

You can withdraw your consent to the use of all or part of the cookies, at any time, via the unsubscribe links provided in article 8 below, or by changing the settings of your browser on your computer to accept or refuse cookies. Please refer to your browser's help menu for more information. Accepting cookies is not mandatory for the use of the Site, but if you have disabled our cookies, you may no longer be able to use certain parts or features of the Site.

7. Use of Audience Measurement Services

To make the Site more attractive to you, and if you have consented to the use of cookies, we use audience measurement and targeting services as described below, for the purposes of audience measurement, advertising, market research, and Site optimization. These services may use personal data about you such as your IP address (see article ‎6 paragraph 1 above), which they collect via cookies (see article ‎6 paragraph 2) and/or tracking pixels. Tracking pixels are transparent graphic images stored on our Site, in our advertisements, and in our emails, whose purpose is to allow us to perform a statistical analysis of the visitors of the Site, namely their number, their movements on the site, and the advertisements they consult.

You can refuse or disable this service by clicking on the unsubscribe link or via other means of unsubscribing.

  • Automatics Jetpack: monitors Internet traffic and produces reports on user behavior on our site
  • Matomo: monitors Internet traffic and produces reports on user behavior on our site
    Information link:
  • SendinBlue: E-Mailing system and transactional mail sending. This service analyzes the audience of the emails we send you.

8. Your rights to information, access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, opposition, and data portability

Your user account mainly includes the data that you have entered there.

You can view and modify these data, if necessary, directly in your user account.

You also have the right:

  • to access personal data about you (in other words, to ask us if we hold and process personal data about you, and how, as well as to ask us for a copy of the personal data about you that we process);
  • to request that personal data about you that are incorrect be rectified.

In certain specific cases, you also have the right:

  • to have your personal data erased, especially if you have withdrawn your consent;
  • to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, especially if we no longer need them for processing purposes, but they are still necessary for you to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims;
  • to object to the processing of your personal data (for example, for prospecting purposes or when we process personal data about you based on our legitimate interest or that of a third party);
  • to request the portability of your data (that is, to obtain a copy of the personal data that you have transmitted to us, and to send them to another data controller), provided that the processing of the data concerned is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party.

To exercise this right or for any other question or concern about the protection of your data, please contact ART OF KELV customer service.

9. Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular the competent authority of the European state in which you habitually reside or the one where an alleged infringement of the GDPR took place.

10. Modifications

ART OF KELV reserves the right to modify, from time to time, this Data Protection Policy, for example, to comply with new laws or to add new services. These modifications will always be made in accordance with applicable laws and we will inform you of any modification of this Data Protection Policy by email.